alineweber [at] cs [dot] umass [dot] edu
I am a MS/Ph.D. student at the Autonomous Learning Lab, University of Massachusetts, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bruno Castro da Silva. Prior to joining UMass, I completed my B.S. in Computer Science, summa cum laude, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
My research interests are twofold: (1) to ensure safety and fairness in machine learning models; and (2) to explore innovative approaches in reinforcement learning with the goal of allowing for more efficient and adaptable decision-making algorithms, for example, by exploiting hierarchical controllers and systems capable of autonomously decomposing complex into simpler sub-problems, for which specialized reusable and composable skills be can be learned.
Ultimately, I hope to make impactful contributions to both the technical and ethical dimensions of machine learning, allowing it to be safely scaled up and reliably applied to solving challenging real-world tasks with as little human intervention as possible.
WEBER, Aline*; METEVIER, Blossom*; BRUN, Yuriy; THOMAS, Philip S.; da SILVA, Bruno C. Enforcing Delayed-Impact Fairness Guarantees. arXiv:2208.11744. 2022. (*Equal contribution) Under review at the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).
WEBER, Aline*; METEVIER, Blossom*; BRUN, Yuriy; THOMAS, Philip S.; da SILVA, Bruno C. Enforcing Delayed-Impact Fairness Guarantees. Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM). Extended abstract. United States, 2022.
WEBER, Aline; MARTIN, Charles P.; TORRESEN, Jim; da SILVA, Bruno C. Identifying Reusable Early-Life Options. 9th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob). Norway, 2019.
WEBER, Aline; ALEGRE, Lucas N.; TORRESEN, Jim; da SILVA, Bruno C. Parameterized Melody Generation with Autoencoders and Temporally-Consistent Noise. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME). Brazil, 2019.
SILVA, Thanner S.; THOM, Lucineia H.; WEBER, Aline; de OLIVEIRA, Jose P. M.; FANTINATO, Marcelo. Empirical analysis of sentence templates and ambiguity issues for business process descriptions. OTM Confederated International Conferences “On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems”. Springer, Cham, 2018.